Monday, November 28, 2011

Who Am I?

Who Am I?   Well, The basics are that I am a 35 year old seeker of knowledge, understanding and wisdom.  I am married to a ridicioulousy amazing woman & we have been together for 8 years.  I have a beautiful little girl named Londyn who is 4 & a devilishly adorable son who is 2 & his name is Lincoln.  I work as a Clinical Therapist & have done so for the better part of 6 years.  I also write alot of poetry/rhymes & then take them & put into music.  I like to be creative & put together websites on the side.  I am an absolute lover of JESUS, I hate religion & not really a fan on "churchiness".  I struggle with the institution of religion & the image it portrays.  I fall everyday, but must get up & repent & move forward. I don’t get into the rules or regulations of what we call Christianity.  I get into the relationship offered by a merciful & graceful God who forgives such a wretched man.  I go to church because I want to, not because I have to, I don’t dress up, I can dance, I can drink a beer, I can watch secular TV & listen to secular music.  I still struggle with cussing, lusting & doing the right thing.  I am a work in progress & will always be.  I have more issues than most & will not judge another. All I try to do is give my best everyday & get up once I have fallen.  I know way more than probably wanted.  Too deep & complex, but that’s my reality.

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