Monday, November 28, 2011

Why Blog?

Well, I wish my answer was more profound but the reason why I am blogging is to express my curiosities, frustrations, and enlightenment's on my journey.  To be as honest & as transparent as I can be, to take off the typical mask people wear on a daily basis, to express my humanity, to find the real me.  So I guess I am being selfish & doing this for me, for my sanity & for my salvation.  If there is anyway you (who read this) can benefit from my quests, my unanswered questions & my thoughts then that is a good thing.  If I can help you with my journey or you can identify with my struggles, then that makes my walk with walking.  If I fall so you don't then I'm glad to fall.  Proverbs 24:16 "For a righteous man falls seven times, but rises again while the wicked fall & lay in calamity"..PEACE OUT

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