Tuesday, December 6, 2011

JESUS loves Two and a half men?

I figured that would get your attention....I really have no idea if Jesus loves two and a half men, but I suspect he would love the characters or actors.  I only made that the title of this post because I wanted to get your attention plus the idea for this post came from the show Two and a half men.  
So the other day I was watching Two and a half me (Don't judge) I am aware of the content, but part of me wonders how many other Christians secretly love that show.  I wonder how many of them DVR it when they are not home, HAHA.  Look this blog is about honesty and transparency, it is a place for me and whoever to be REAL.  My wife and I use to watch it every Tuesday @ 9 (I think), but since Ashton Kutcher took over it just hasn't been the same.  Anyways," ADHD moment there" sorry.  One night I was watching it and this statement directed at Alan (Jon Cryer) about his many woes in life since his brother Charlie (Charlie Sheen) had died.  Here's the quote, 
"We can stay and make our problems go away or we can just go away with our problems"
*WOW...Upon hearing that I paused the TV and wrote that down.  In the weeks following that quote I just began pondering what it meant for me and how many things I struggle with today because I have choose not to deal with my past hurts, wounds & traumas.  I also began to look at my family of origin and how many problems they had based on the fact of not truly identifying and dealing with their painful past problems.  Also, how much had I suffered in my life because others didn't deal with their struggles and how much have others suffered because of me and my inability to deal with problems &  pain.  Lastly, I began to look at the many clients I counsel on a weekly basis that struggle with various problems.  One thing I can definitely guarantee is that every single person walking the face of this earth has problems/issues/sin, past wounds not healed, areas of unforgiveness, deficits in their emotional, biological, physical, mental, relational and spiritual well being because of problems/traumas.  Regardless if these problems were self imposed or brought on by another person is irrelevant.  The question still remains, did you deal with it?  It could be the loss of a loved one to cancer or by natural causes.  It could be having your heart broken by a spouse or family member.  It could an unexpected suicide in the family.  The infidelity of your spouse or your parents.  What I know for sure is that all the things listed above is real life and it hurts really bad.  Somehow we can all identify and hopefully agree that we all have problems in need of fixing or at least tending too.  

There are many dogmas, ideals, beliefs and cliches that we are unaware we even live by.  "Out of sight, out of mind", "Whats done in Vegas, stays in Vegas", "Let the past be the past".
and my personal fav is, "Let bygone's be bygone's".  The fact is we digest these and attempt to live by these, then they shape our views or ways which keep us down and hold us back.  We typically believe or live by moving forward and not facing the past.  We are a "feel good" type of people who would prefer to not  deal with discomfort.  Where did we ever get the idea that life is suppose to be all rainbows and butterflies?  It is the pain and valley that develops and grows us.  "Grass grows in the valley not on the mountaintop!!!"  If we sit in our problems and acknowledge them fully then we have a far better chance of moving through them.  Ignoring them doesn't make them go away, all it does is make them grow and bring forth large consequences.  My little saying is, "The light at the tunnel is an oncoming train and it must hit, rock and knock you down, but once you have got up the light at the end of the tunnel is actual light, the end".  You can't see the end result before you get there, so must press on and endure to achieve and receive what life has to truly offer you.

*To sum it all up, we all have problems and at some point and time we always will.  We can't run anymore, we must face our giants.  The only way around the valley or pain is to go right through it.  Your not weak or feeble when admitting your problems.  Maybe you need assistance or guidance and should seek the help of a friend, parent, pastor or therapist.  

Choose to deal with your issues before they deal with you.---PEACE, ant

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